
Critical Sociology

Brill Book Series

Studies in Critical Social Sciences

Haymarket Paperbacks

Haymarket Paperbacks of the Studies in Critical Social Sciences
student discount available

Association for Critical Sociology


Emerging out of the malaise of the 1950s and a growing awareness of social injustice, graduate students challenged functionalism as the dominant paradigm within Sociology. 

An awareness that social science was being used in the "war on poverty" and inequality was the bi-product of a system promising greater prosperity led students into confrontations with both the academic and social forces of control. 

By the 1967 ASA annual meeting the conflict between left and right in sociology came to a head, and by the 1968 ASA meeting in Boston the Sociology Liberation Movement emerged. 

It quickly became clear that there was interest in a competing analysis, and soon thereafter The Insurgent Sociologist, the forerunner to Critical Sociology, emerged to promote critical scholarship and engage in debates over the direction of the discipline. 

The Insurgent Sociologist: Cover Art

We offer you a glimpse of the artwork that has graced the covers of the pioneering efforts of The Insurgent Sociologist to build a new paradigm of critical research.


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